NeuroHorizons: A Child's Neural Map is Not the Territory

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Program Details

Europe Training Program (Series 3)
in Seligenstadt, Germany is now full.
Please be in touch regarding the next program!

the Child.

Sooner Than
You lmagine.

For a worldwide listing of movement educators applying principles of brain plasticity to advance the Child With Special Needs, please go to

NeuroHorizons® is the registered EU, UK, Mexico, and USA trademark of Sylvia Shordike. Experiential Movement®, Embody. Envision. Elicit. Empower.®, and A Child's Neural Map is Not the Territory® are registered USA trademarks of Sylvia Shordike.

Feldenkrais® and Feldenkrais Method® are registered USA trademarks of Feldenkrais Guild Corporation California.

Anat Baniel Method® and NeuroMovement® are registered USA trademarks of Movement Coordination Learning, Inc. DBA Anat Baniel Method Corporation.

Sylvia is a
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM) and a Certified Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Childrens Mastery Practitioner. She is the founder of the NeuroHorizons Experiential Movement learning programs in the Americas and Europe.

The NeuroHorizons programs are neither affiliated with, nor sponsored or endorsed by, the Feldenkrais Guild or Anat Baniel or the Anat Baniel Method.

All text and photos ©2007-2024 Sylvia Shordike