the Child.
Sooner Than
You lmagine.
➤; Empower Yourself to Empower the Child
via NeuroHorizons® Experiential Movement®
Whether child or adult, our brain continually learns, orients, and changes (the process of “neural plasticity”) through movement. So, our attentive and intentional movement is a great way to communicate with the nervous system and enhance our life, every day.
When we learn this for ourselves, we can then translate and transmit key experiences for the child.A child’s development is a progression of learning through movement and sensation. Children With Special Needs often face an “impasse”: They are missing key experiences that the nervous system needs in order to take a next developmental step.
In the NeuroHorizonsEurope training program you learn how to gently move with the child through and beyond these impasses.Over our 10 seminars (about 15 months) you explore 150+ Experiential Movement® Lessons in depth, including immediate hands-on applications.
Our multi-dimensional yet focused, integrated, and immediately practical curriculum is designed to shift your world, and the world of the child you care for. And more quickly than you might imagine.-
➤; "Dance" With Everyday Neural Plasticity
Gentle Movement Lessons for Everyday Learning, Change
Through NeuroHorizons you learn to leverage the everyday power of neural plasticity.
Over our 10 training Segments you gain a first-hand familiarity with the power of "everyday neural plasticity", and how intentional movement kickstarts the re-mapping process of the brain and nervous system.
By first embodying Experiential Movement for ourselves ("walking our talk"), we can then bring these newly embodied attitudes, skills, and tools into a creative "dance" with the child, using Experiential Movement Lessons to envision and elicit their native learning process.We become a daily source of key movement "lessons" for the child, as we translate and transmit our own skillful presence.
Then — sometimes rapidly and sometimes incrementally — the child's brain and nervous system receive and assemble the novel kinesthetic experiences we provide.
Developmental gaps and deficits are mitigated or remedied. The child can then natively do, and be, in ways not possible before.-
➤; The 10 Segments
- The NeuroHorizonsEurope Training comprises 10 convenient 5-day segments in the historic town of Seligenstadt, Germany, for a total of 50 in-class days over about 15 months.
There will be modest additional inter-Segment assignments and "homework", mostly involving regular home exploration of the Experiential Movement Lessons as you integrate the work into your daily life.
Upon successful completion, you earn the NeuroHorizonsEurope Personal Service Certificate, and the confidence to work with your own children and family.
At your option, you may then join our Professional Supervision Intensives. These are rich practicums in which you work hands-on with many and diverse Special Needs Children, with Sylvia's close attention and support.Upon successful completion of at least 12 PSl in-class days (over several months), you qualify as a Certified NeuroHorizons® Experiential Movement® Practitioner.
You may then take your new skills into your professional practice and provide much-needed movement and neuro-education services in your community, throughout Europe, and around the world. NOTE: Learn more about the meaning of "certification" at the tab above.
Please Note: Each sequential program Segment builds on the previous Segment(s). So it is important for your learning, as well as for the cohesiveness of our small group, that you are able to commit to attend in person all of the 10 Segments. Please check the seminar dates below for any potential conflicts with your personal calendar.Please Note: As with all other movement education programs of our genre, these seminars do not offer or grant you any academic recognition, credit or credential, or opportunity for professional / governmental licensure. Nor will your completion of these experiential seminars by itself lead to employment or income in any job or occupation.
➤; Program Dates
Please Note: Each sequential program Segment builds on the previous Segment(s). So it is important for your learning, as well as for the cohesiveness of our small group, that you commit to attend all of the 10 Segments. Please check the Training dates below for any potential conflicts with your personal calendar. Your Certification may be delayed if you miss all or part of a Segment for any reason.
All dates are subject to change based on
public health and safety circumstances.
Training 3 (2024-25)
(all at Seligenstadt, Germany — outside Frankfurt)
10:00 to 17:00 daily,
except 10:00 to 15:00 last day.
Seg #1 July 20-24, 2024 (Sat — Wed)
Seg #2 September 4-8, 2024 (Wed — Sun)
Seg #3 October 9-13, 2024 (Wed — Sun)
Seg #4 December 4-8, 2024 (Wed — Sun)
Seg #5 January 29 - February 2, 2025 (Wed — Sun)
Seg #6 February 4-8, 2025 (Tues — Sat)
Seg #7 March 29 - April 2, 2025 (Sat — Wed)
Seg #8 May 3 - May 7, 2025 (Sat — Wed)
PSl #1 May 9 - May 12, 2025 (Fri - Mon)
Seg #9 June 14 - 18, 2025 (Sat — Wed)
PSl #2 June 20 - 23, 2025 (Fri - Mon)
Seg #10 July 19 - 23, 2025 (Sat — Wed)
PSl #3 July 25 - 27, 2025 (Fri - Sun)-
➤; Certification & Growing a Clientele
We offer both “Personal Service”
and “Professional” certifications.Our EU “Personal Service” certification is for those who are content with their personal learning, or who will work primarily with family members. Our “Professional” certification (EU only) is earned after additional practicum experience (more about this below), for those wanting to offer movement education services to the public.
With regard to the EU “Professional” certification:
Please note that neither ours nor any other training program of our genre is able to offer you governmental recognition, licensure, or the promise of any income. Your completion of these programs does not by itself assure employment or earnings. Those of us offering our services to the public as movement educators do so largely “on our own”. You will be solely responsible for your private practice, and for compliance with local laws and regulations covering such services.
Growing a Clientele:
It is tempting to believe that the better the “brand recognition” of a modality, the higher the quality of the work and the more clients will come.The reality is that the effectiveness of our work primarily depends on the embodied, relational presence of the practitioner. Most parents “shop around” among multiple modalities and practitioners until they find such a skillful practitioner who earns their (and their child's) trust, regardless of that practitioner’s “certification” or branding.
And, the more embodied and relational the practitioner, the better will be a child's outcomes, with more return visits and word-of-mouth referrals by those grateful clients. The most successful practitioners don’t do much advertising at all; the impressed parents and caregivers do it for them.
In short, it is our embodied personal presence, subtlety, vision, and creative and vital relationships with ourselves and with our clients that make all the difference, not the “certification” paper we hang on the wall.
Compare programs for yourself. I believe no other training delivers the attitudes, skills, and tools you learn through the highly personalized, expertly focused and integrated training curriculum offered at NeuroHorizonsEurope.Please Note: As with all other movement education programs of our genre, these seminars do not offer or grant you any academic recognition, credit or credential, or opportunity for professional / governmental licensure. Nor will your completion of these experiential seminars by itself lead to employment or income in any job or occupation.
➤; Tuition
- Tuition for each of the 10 five-day Segments in 2024 will be an estimated €1.300 (travel, food, and lodging are not included), for a total program tuition of about €13.000 (spread over 15 months or so) to earn your NeuroHorizons Personal Service Certificate.
If you join us for the optional practicum work to qualify as a Certified NeuroHorizons® Experiential Movement® Practitioner (a minimum of 12 in-class days over several months), the additional tuition will total about €3.000 over those months.A further requirement for the Professional Certification is that you receive 10 movement lessons during the course of the Training from at least three different certified NeuroHorizons, NeuroScanBalance, Feldenkrais Method, or Anat Baniel Method practitioners. Your cost for these lessons will vary according to the practitioners you choose to work with.
Please Note: The Training is limited to 14 participants. To register, please be in touch with Sylvia (use the contact form below). I look forward to speaking with you! Upon approval of your application, your deposit will hold your place in the Training. -
➤; Program Policies
Tuition & Policies
updated January 1, 20231. Each sequential program Segment builds on the previous Segment(s). It is therefore important for your learning (and for earning your NeuroHorizons certificate), as well as for the cohesiveness of our small group, that you commit to attend all of the 10 Segments. Please check the Segment dates now to address any potential conflicts with your personal calendar. Note: These dates may be subject to change based on public health or safety circumstances.
2. Tuition for each of the ten 5-day Segments will be approximately €1.300 (travel, food, and lodging are not included), payable before each Segment. Total program tuition for the 50 in-class days is €13.000 (paid over about 15 months) for the Personal Service certification.
3. For those choosing Professional certification, there is an additional tuition for each Professional Supervision Intensives (12 in-class days and approximately €3.000 in total over several months). A further requirement for the Professional certification is that you receive 10 movement lessons during the course of the Training from at least three different certified NeuroHorizons, NeuroScanBalance Method, Feldenkrais, or Anat Baniel Method practitioners. Your cost for these lessons will vary according to the practitioners you choose to work with.
4. The Training is limited to 14 participants. To register, contact Sylvia for approval. Your deposit of €800 will hold your place in the Training, and this deposit becomes non-refundable* six weeks prior to the start date. The balance of €500 must be received not later than three weeks prior to the start date to confirm your participation, and is non-refundable.* For each subsequent Segment, full payment of €1.200 is due two weeks prior to that Segment start date.
*Segment tuition payments are refunded in the unlikely event that the instructor needs to cancel or re-schedule that Segment for any reason.
5. The Supervision Intensive tuition is due one month prior to each PSI. The PSIs need not be taken in sequence.
6. Should you choose to withdraw for any reason before completing the Training, any tuition already paid is not refundable.
7. Your Personal Service or Professional certification may be delayed if you miss all or part of a Segment and/or Professional Supervision Intensive for any reason. Whether and how you make up for missed Segments or PSIs is at the sole discretion of the instructor based on all the circumstances.
NOTE: If your attendance at a particular Segment or PSI proves impossible owing to a circumstance beyond your reasonable control
(such as a natural disaster, public health emergency lockdown or quarantine, infrastructure breakdown, civil unrest, governmental travel restriction or action, etc.), notify the instructor immediately. We will make reasonable efforts to offer you an interim video curriculum, for which you will pay half of the Segment tuition (approximately €650). Upon the next training cycle, you may be invited to attend the Segment you missed, whereupon you will pay the balance due (approximately €650) for that Segment. Alternatively, the instructor may at her sole discretion offer a different make-up option tailored to all circumstances.
Regardless of the cause of your absence, to complete the Training and earn your Certification(s), you must pay in full for any missed Segments and/or PSIs.
8. Your Professional certification may be delayed if you fail to complete required inter-segment "homework", mostly involving regular home exploration of the Experiential Movement Lessons you are integrating into your daily life, as well as receiving the 10 personal movement lessons per paragraph 3 above.
9. As part of our emphasis on personalized instruction, the instructor supports and monitors your learning over time. For purposes of ultimate certification as a NeuroHorizons® Experiential Movement® Practitioner, the instructor may require at her discretion that a participant engage in additional class days and/or activities in order to achieve the requisite skill level, prior to certification.
10. Your certification as a NeuroHorizons® Experiential Movement® Practitioner is conditioned on your acceptance of the contractual licensing terms provided to participants.
PLEASE NOTE: As is true for all movement education programs of our genre, this Professional Certification is not a governmental recognition, licensure, or permit. Consult the requirements and rules of your local jurisdiction(s) regarding operation of a professional practice, compliance with which is your sole responsibility. We offer more information about what it means to be certified as a movement educator on our NeuroHorizons.eu website (the tab labeled "Certification & Growing Your Clientele").
11. In the unlikely event that the instructor concludes that a participant is not a good fit for the Training, is disruptive to the group or the learning process, or has failed to pay or comply with NHE policies or requirements, the instructor reserves the right to address those issues with the participant and may, in her sole discretion, dismiss that person from the Training, at any time. Should you be dismissed, any tuition already paid is not refundable.
12. You will receive additional program and policy details after your registration, and these policies may be updated or changed from time to time.-
➤; Seligenstadt, Germany
All Segments take place in the quiet, historic, and beautiful town of Seligenstadt, Germany — a 20-minute drive from Frankfurt airport.
Nestled along the river Main, this is a wonderful venue for our work. In addition to ample accommodations, restaurants, and shopping, a stroll along the river can be very relaxing :)-
➤; California & Mexico Seminars
For those closer to California or Mexico, Sylvia's NeuroHorizons® Fundamentals of Experiential Movement® seminar series for parents and caregivers are described here.
Enrollment is Limited
➤; Be In Touch / Save Your Place
Please tell me about you, your interest, and your questions! I will be in touch as soon as I can. — Sylvia
For a worldwide listing of movement educators applying principles of brain plasticity to advance the Child With Special Needs, please go to www.NeuroConnect.world
NeuroHorizons® is the registered EU, UK, Mexico, and USA trademark of Sylvia Shordike. Experiential Movement®, Embody. Envision. Elicit. Empower.®, and A Child's Neural Map is Not the Territory® are registered USA trademarks of Sylvia Shordike.
Feldenkrais® and Feldenkrais Method® are registered USA trademarks of Feldenkrais Guild Corporation California.
Anat Baniel Method® and NeuroMovement® are registered USA trademarks of Movement Coordination Learning, Inc. DBA Anat Baniel Method Corporation.
Sylvia is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM) and a Certified Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® Childrens Mastery Practitioner. She is the founder of the NeuroHorizons Experiential Movement learning programs in the Americas and Europe.
The NeuroHorizons programs are neither affiliated with, nor sponsored or endorsed by, the Feldenkrais Guild or Anat Baniel or the Anat Baniel Method.
All text and photos ©2007-2024 Sylvia Shordike